Snake Day

24 May

It was another beautiful morning with just a slight wisp of a breeze out of the east…it will change around as the thermals get heated up about 11:00 and come out of the west off the gulf. But for now it was a pleasant morning the temp was about 72*. I started my run out slow since I had a hard time getting motivated to run today. I guess I’m a little tired from a stressful day at work yesterday…one of our offices was flooded from an AC leak… I did the first mile in 8:05 along the way I saw two cattle cranes eating bugs in the center island of the main exit from my community. I wondered why they were they rather than their usually spots on the golf course.

I did the second mile back to pick up my water bottle in 8:03 and yet my muscles still seemed tight and I wondered if I would ever get loose. Maybe its from the bike that I now have a hard time feeling loose on the run? Maybe I need not Pilates? As I started my third mile one of the ladies of the neighborhood out for her morning walk said hi and commented on what nice legs I have…. to bad there aren’t some single ladies out.

I got to the trail (3.5 miles) thru the woods and along the river still trying to maintain an 8 min pace. I was hoping to see Robert our local Bobcat but I haven’t seen him for a couple of weeks. I guess in the warmer weather he goes out just at night. I heard he was spotted at 4 am. There were plenty of bugs out…note to self use some bug repellent.

At the 5 mile mark I exited the woods near the fitness center so I too a brief stop to fill my water bottle. There was no one on the dreadmills or bikes, I guess now that season is over the snowbirds have all left. I never could stand to run on a dreadmill.

At 5.5 mile mark I have a decision point. I can go left and add 3 miles to do 10 or continue straight to do 7…since I had to be to work on time and I still feel a little tired I chose the 7… along the way I saw a nice 7 ft black snake slither across the road. Got to the house with a finishing time of 61:04…That’s with the refill time at the fitness center since I didn’t stop my watch.

I had a few minutes to cool off so I put the robot in the pool so he can vacuum and put some chlorine in the chlorinator. Next to my pool filter I have several large clay pot stacked upside down. Thru the hole of the top pot a black snake was poking his head… when he sensed me he when down into the pots. I’m leaving him alone in hopes that he will eat some rats!

I’m going to swim at lunch and do Pilates after work…any one for a swim?

5 Responses to “Snake Day”

  1. soccerdad May 24, 2005 at 2:44 pm #

    ooohh, i would LOVE to have a swim. my dad called me yesterday while he was in his pool! grrr. i wish i had such a luxury. but then again, with the snakes and rats you’re talking about, maybe there’s a downside to living in florida, too…

  2. jeff May 24, 2005 at 4:10 pm #

    that’s one of the great things about an early morning run, nature. but a 7′ black snake? wow…that’s…um…big.

  3. Oldman May 24, 2005 at 7:46 pm #

    mmmmm….maybe 7ft is to long but he was a big snake. i was amazed as he slithered accross the street as to how big he was.

  4. nancytoby May 25, 2005 at 1:51 am #

    You have RATS???? That workout schedule looked fairly challenging!!!

  5. Anonymous January 30, 2007 at 2:00 am #

    This is very interesting site… »

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